Product Suggestions SUGGESTIONS AND FEEDBACK FORM Feedback from tradesmen that work in the field every day using our bags helps us make better products and improve our business. If you would like to suggest a new product or recommend an improvement to the design of our existing products, please let us know by filling out the form below. You can also use this form to make suggestions for our customer service department, or for us to contact a dealer in your area to carry Veto Pro Pac products, or any other suggestions you would like to make. We appreciate you being a Veto customer and any feedback, suggestions, or recommendations.Thanks!Veto Pro Pac FIRST NAME LAST NAME COMPANY HOME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP/POSTAL Code COUNTRY EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE INDUSTRY YOU WORK INPlease select... HVACR ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS CARPENTRY PLUMBING AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN OTHER CATEGORY OF YOUR SUGGESTIONPlease select... New Product Improvement to an Existing Product Recommend that we contact a Supply House in your area to carry Veto Pro Pac products Customer Service Suggestion SUGGESTION PLEASE FEEL FREE UPLOAD UP TO 5 IMAGES IN THE FIELDS BELOW, THAT HELP DESCRIBE YOUR SUGGESTION PICTURE 1 PICTURE 2 PICTURE 3 PICTURE 4 PICTURE 5 I understand that proprietary rights of all suggestions discussed in this form are the property of Veto Pro PacPlease check this box to acknowledge reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. Contact Information