General Contractor
"Ridgik Renovations got its start from my relationship with a few of my best builders."
"As a lumber estimator and salesman, I made it a point to offer the best product that I could, service. I decided that the best way to serve a customer is to give them what they need. I made it my job to get answers, and get results. Veto does the same by giving a product that goes against the grain. Offer a product that has no planned obsolesce."
"I find that on any given day, I may be running my own jobs, like kitchen remodels, door and window installations, and sometimes small repairs. I do enjoy a wide and varied range of work because I am blessed to be called upon to do sub-contracting for some of the best builders in the business. Our kitchen and bath remodels are some of the most involved that I have seen. I get the rare privilege to work in an environment where cost is not an object where you can perfect your craft for people that appreciate a true artisan. Make no mistake, the builders that I work for are the Artisans, I am lucky to be a chosen member of the team."
"Much like Johnny Cash, ‘I been everywhere man!’ My good fortune lies with my builder connections. I am by no means the best carpenter in the world. My strength is that I am lucky to be surrounded with men and women that are smarter than myself. I pride myself in the fact that I listen, take direction, and respect those that are gracious to allow me to work on some of the most interesting and challenging jobs around. Even better, there are no egos, just a desire to work together and finish the job at hand with the highest level of quality that we can offer."
"Much of my success comes from being organized, and presenting a neat and tidy appearance. My Veto tool bags offer much assistance, which allows me to work efficiently and hang with the best. Together, we get some really cool stuff done!"